Advising for Exploratory

Whether you’re exploring majors, planning your academic journey, or seeking guidance on class schedules, our dedicated advisors are here to support your success.

Curriculum Sheets & Program Maps


175 West Memorial Drive
Hinesville, GA 31313

On the Armstrong Campus?

Advising at Armstrong Campus

On the Liberty Campus?

Advising at Liberty Campus

Find Your Advisor

Our searchable table makes it simple to connect with the right academic advisor for your needs. The table includes the advisor’s name and the college they serve. When you click on an advisor’s name, you’ll be taken to their profile, where you can find additional details, such as their title, the specific students they advise, their email address, and phone number. Use the search bar to easily filter results by name, college, or keyword, ensuring you can quickly locate the advisor who can best support you.

Jakeyvia WhiteExploratoryrgarcia@georgiasouthern.eduArmstrong CampusAcademic Advisor I
Richard GarciaCollege of Engineering and Computing, College of Business, College of Health Professions, College of Public Healthrgarcia@georgiasouthern.eduAll majors on Liberty Campus for Colleges listed. Statesboro Campus: Last Names A-HAcademic Advisor I
Rachel Anne SpencerCollege of Arts and Humanities, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, College of Education 912-877-1911rspencer@georgiasouthern.eduAll majors on Liberty Campus for Colleges listed. Statesboro Campus - Last Names I-Z, Liberty CampusAcademic Advisor

Personalized Support for Your Academic Success

Our advisors are committed to helping you achieve your educational goals. Take advantage of their expertise to stay on track and make informed decisions about your academic career.

Let us guide you every step of the way—start your journey by finding your advisor today!